Morag McDonald lives on an island in the Hebrides with her grandmother. She wants to be a gymnast and has had to teach herself from a library book as there are no gymnastics facilities available. When Morag returns a valuable wallet to its owner, he rewards her with a place at his gymnastics school where he is principal. But granny insists on coming too, and this is causing problems at Morag’s new school.
- Art: Selby Donnison
- And Granny Came Too… – Bunty: #1624 (25 February 1989) – #1637 (27 May 1989)
Something must be off. Bunty #1624 is dated 25 February 1989, not 16.
See here:
The issue numbers above for ‘And Granny Came Too…’ are accurate, but Ramon is perfectly correct when pointing out that the 16 February date isn’t. It couldn’t be anyway as the previous week’s issue came out on the 18th. According to my notes, the artist WAS Selby Donnison.