“I Don’t Want to be a Witch”


Celia Winters, a pupil at St Ann’s school had an aunt who was a witch. Aunt Armida was determined that Celia should practise as a witch, since Celia had inherited special powers, but Celia resisted. At the school grotto, out of bounds to pupils, Celia was spotted by the school sneak Ruth Narkle, who reported her to the headmistress, Miss Redding. Miss Redding announced she was going to unlock the grotto, where Celia’s magical equipment was hidden .. .

i don't want to be a witch


  • Art: Norman Lee


  • “I Don’t Want to be a Witch”– Spellbound: #01 (25 Sep. 1976) – #15 (01 Jan. 1977)

3 thoughts on ““I Don’t Want to be a Witch”

  1. Bunty also had a serial about a girl
    who didn’t want to be a witch, not least because her spells kept backfiring. It was called Abracadabra Academy.

  2. Jinty also had a similar series, “Pandora’s Box”. Spoilt, selfish Pandora Carr didn’t want to be a witch because she was sure she had enough talent to succeed on her own merits, but her aunt laughingly assured her that the only way she would get anywhere was to use witchcraft to get what she wanted – as the aunt had done! Interestingly, Pandora ended up accepting her destiny as a witch while at the same time learning to love and be less selfish.

    1. The irony is that Pandora became dependent on her spells and wanted to use them for a show. But her cat blocked access to the box, forcing Pandora to fall back on talent. The idea was that Pandora would win on her own merits, just as she had intended originally.

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