Tag Archives: twins

The Terry Twins They Fish for their Fortune


Eighteen Year old twins, Judith and Ann Terry had many adventures at sea as they had traveled far, their father was managing director of Tropical Fishes Ltd.  the well known London aquarists.


  • Text story


  • The Terry Twins They Fish for their Fortune (text) – Mandy: #264 (5 February 1972)
  • The Terry Twins They Fish for their Fortune (text) – Mandy: #267 (26 February 1972) – #268 (4 March 1972)
  • The Terry Twins They Fish for their Fortune (text) – Mandy: #270 (18 March 1972)

I’ll Make You Dance!


Years ago Debra Dukes promised her dying mother that she would help make her sister Drina become a famous ballerina. Confined to wheelchair herself she was determined to keep her promise without a thought to her sisters happiness and she schemed to make sure she got her way coming between her sister’s relationship.


  • Art: Paddy Brennan


  • I’ll Make You Dance! – Judy: #767 (21 September 1974) – #776 (23 November 1974)

Twins on Trial!


Twins Claire and Kelly Miller were being fostered with a view of adoption by a quiet kindly couple the Blakes. They had lost their own daughter Sharon in an accident. Claire a quiet girl herself was worried her tearaway sister would put the Blakes off adopting them.


  • Photo story


  • Twins on Trial! – Debbie: #499 (4 September 1982) – #504 (9 October 1982)

All the Fun of the Fair


Twins Katie and Kim were being looked after by their older sister while their mother was in hospital. Both twins had taken part-time jobs at the annual village fair, to help pay their way.  There they had entered fancy dress contest. While there Katie recognized a thief who had raided the shop where she worked. He was dressed as Artful Dodger.


  • Text Story
  • Spot Art: David Matysiak


  • All the Fun of the Fair – Debbie: #366 (16 February 1980) – #369 (8 March 1980)

Shadow of Doom


Linda and Carol Milne, twelve year old twins, discovered that because of a witch’s curse laid on an ancestor, one of every pair of twins born in the family, was doomed to die before their thirteenth birthday. The curse could only be undone by a strange witch’s necklace made up of thirteen linking pieces. To spare their family the girls kept their discovery a secret and set out to track down the 12 medallions and the chain.


  • Writer: Marion Turner (under pen-name: Fiona Turner)


  • Shadow of Doom – Tracy: #215 (12 November 1983) – #227 (4 February 1984)

Share and Share Alike! [1988]

  • Share and Share Alike! – Mandy PSL: #121 [1988]
  • Reprinted – Mandy PSL: #269
  • Cover Art: Norman Lee
  • Inside Art: Tom Hurst


Sheila and Sharon Terry are twins that are constantly fighting, much to the exasperation of their parents. While they know their daughters do actually care for each other, they are  also fiercely competitive and jealous. They don’t like to see each other get what they think is favoritism. Whether it’s Dad cleaning Sharon’s bike, or Mom making Sheila her favourite sandwiches for lunch. Each perceives the other as having the jealousy problem and their parents have had enough. They tell them from now on everything will be shared and they will get treated exactly the same. The twins are delighted and finally agree that this is what they always wanted.

They are soon to realise it’s not as great a deal as they initially thought,  when at breakfast the next morning they do get exactly the same thing – but it’s something neither of them like. Mom’s logic being they can at least agree on that. Then on the way to school Sharon gets a puncture, and receives lines for being late. Dad’s not going to help her fix the bike because he’s tired of being accused of favourtism. But Mom makes Sheila help so they can share the burden and they even make her write out lines. This trend continues so when a dog causes Sharon to drop shopping breaking jars, they both have to pay. The girls are aware that their parents think they are clever, but they figure they can out smart them by upping the “share and share alike” mentality. They go for a boat trip and when dad comes looking for them they say they haven’t returned because they were using one oar, rowing in circles! When they do exactly same work at school, resulting in a letter from the headmistress, Mom thinks they should call it off but Dad is not broken so easily. He clears things up with the headmistress, and lets the wins know schoolwork is not to be shared.

Perhaps because they are working together to try and outsmart their parents, it ends up having the desired affect of them actually getting along. But then this is quickly undone when when Sheila waits for Sharon after school, and Sharon thinks she’s already gone home. The reason Sharon was delayed was Miss Brett called her over to tell her they have both been selected to cross country competition and Sharon had asked Sheila to wait for her. (This is a bit odd as they were both selected and Sheila was also right there, why didn’t Miss Brett talk to the both of them?!) Now they both intend to win and are more competitive than ever! Then during training, Sheila takes a risk trying to pass Sharon out and falls into the river. Sharon jumps after them and together they make it to shore but Sheila gets sick after. Luckily it’s not too serious but it does mean she is out of the race. On the day of the race Sharon is uncharacteristically quiet. Sharon has a tough race ahead of her and back home Sheila can picture the race and where Sharon would be. Sharon feels Sheila willing her on and is determined to win for both of them. She succeeds and at home the twins are delighted and they will share the cup. Their parents are optimistic that this is the end of their feud.


Favouritism can be a sensitive issue, whether it’s justified or not. There may be a slight issue here of a parent doing extra for a daughter at times but certainly not to any extreme and it’s clear the parents love both daughters. I am reminded of another picture story library book Unfair to Favourites although in that case there is a clear case of favouritism and the sisters get along fine, the resolution is also through a sport (gymnastics).  In this story what the twins perceive of favourtism is made worse by their jealousy. It is when the “share and share alike” rule is brought in, it shows how petty some of their complaints were. Such as arguing about who took the last of the marmalade or toast when they could both be given cereal they don’t like instead for breakfast.

It is a clever idea by the parents, although it seems Dad is much more willing to see it through no matter what! It is fun to see Sharon and Sheila try to outsmart their parents. It’s a pity their teamwork is in a fragile state that it breaks down after argument and they become competitive over race. Then when Sheila nearly drowns things change, perhaps they take mom’s talking to, to heart or it’s the realisation that they would not want to lose each other, but whatever the reason the twins grow closer. Sharon and Sheila feel connected during the race and Sheila knows Sharon has won even before they get the phone call. It’s hard to tell if the “share and share alike” rule did help overall or if this would have happened anyway when they were both picked for cross country. In any case at the end of the story Mom and Dad decide it’s best not to make a big deal out of dropping the rule, but I’d hope that even if they did bring it up that Sharon and Sheila’s relationship is stronger to survive that now.

The Teaser Twins


A humour strip with twins, Penny and Jenny. When people try to con them they usually get the better of them. Although sometimes they not as clever as they like to think! Their mother is a film star and they travel around the world with her. Later they join a drama school and come in conflict with their teacher a lot. More bizarre adventures have them befriending an alien, time travelling and getting stuck in Stone Age and in the future and finding a magical imp.

the teaser twins


  • Art: Gordon Bell


  • The Teaser Twins  Penny and Jenny– Judy: 02 (23 January 1960) –  78 (08 July 1961)
  • The Teaser Twins at Drama School – Judy: 79 (15 July 1961) – ?
  • The Teaser Twins in the Stone Age – Judy: circa 154  (22 December 1962) – 204?
  • The Teaser Twins – Judy: circa 215 (22 February 1964) – 227 (16 May 1964)
  • The Teaser Twins -Judy: circa 325 (02 April 1966) – 360?

Kitty and Jo – They’re Sisters But Don’t Know


Kitty and Joanna were twin girls who had been adopted by different families as babies. When they met again by accident, twelve years later, they were drawn to each other instantly. Joanna’s mother, however wanted to keep Kitty away.

Kitty and Jo


  • Artist: Hugh Thornton-Jones


  • Kitty and Jo -They’re Sisters But Don’t Know –  Debbie:  #1 (17 February 1973) – #19 (23 June 1973)
  • Reprinted – Debbie: #365 (9 February 1980) – #383 (14 June 1980)