In the year 1325, two girls Anne and Joan are kidnapped by pirates. They are intending to sell the girls as slaves, but then Captain Wulfson has a better idea. After a recent looting he puts away the best treasure for himself in a black box. He gives the box to the girls and tells them never to open it or show it to anyone and one day he’ll come back. He then sets them free, but a villainous mate, Hook sees them rowing away.
- Runaways With The Secret Box– Diana: #187 (17 September 1966) – #198 (3 December 1966)
Re “anyway”: Don’t you mean “anyone”?
I have the issues of DIANA containing every instalment of this story except the last one, which will have been in issue 198 (December 3 1966). At the end of the episode in 197 (November 26 1966), it says ”Next Week – The Pirate’s Last Voyage’.’ Hopefully this information will be helpful.
Thanks for your help Derek.