Marinda is a mysterious girl that lives in the sea and comes to the surface to help people at times.
- Art: Robert MacGillivray
- Reprinted and translated into Dutch (as “Marinda het meisje van de zee”) : Groot Tina Zomerboek #2/1982 (1982).
- Marinda Mystery Girl of the Sea – Bunty: #1051 (4 March 1978) – 1060?
- Reprinted – Bunty #1594 (30 July 1988) – #1603 (1 October 1988)
- Marinda Mystery Girl of the Sea – Bunty: # 1101 (17 February 1979) – #1109 (17 April 1979)
- Reprinted – Bunty: #1648 (12 August 1989) – #1656 (7 October 1989)
Other Appearances:
- Marinda Mystery Girl of the Sea – Bunty Annual 1980
- Marinda Mystery Girl of the Sea – Mandy PSL #161 (Artist unknown)
The first “Marinda Mystery Girl of the Sea” was in Bunty #1051 (Mar.4, 1978) – 1060? It was reprinted in Bunty #1594 (July 30, 1988) – #1603 (Oct. 1, 1988).
This sequel originally appeared in Bunty # 1101 (Feb. 17, 1979) – 1109 (Apr. 17, 1979).
Other appearances:
Bunty Annual 1980
Mandy PSL 161 (not drawn by MacGillivray, but by an artist I can’t identify)
Translated into Dutch (as “Marinda het meisje van de zee”) and published in Groot Tina Zomerboek #2/1982 (1982).