During the Second World War, Carol Thompson and her friend, Ann Brown, pupils at Greystones School in Devon, are helping a young naval officer, Ian Peterson, who has been accused of spying. He believes that enemy agents are using a cave near the girls’ school as a secret meeting place. When Ian disappears, the two girls decide to carry on their investigations alone but when they try to prevent the agents sending a message by morse lamp, to a u-boat which has surfaced under cover of darkness out in the bay, they are discovered and held prisoner by the spies. However, Carol succeeds in delaying the spies sending their message by stuffing her blazer in the crack in the cave wall through which they intend signalling. Eventually, the spies, Donovan and Hans, discover why their signals aren’t being read and remove the blazer.
- The Whispering Cave – Judy: #226 (09 May 1964) – #234 (04 July 1964)
- Reprinted – Judy: #1102 (21 February 1981) – #1110 (18 April 1981)