Vicki Andrews and her two friends, Ted and Pam, are looking after Wallingston Riding School, whose owner, Mr Hodge, has recently bought a greengrocer’s shop and now has little time or money to spend on the stables. Two property buyers, Mr Snudge and Mr Sykes, are interested in buying the stables in order to build on the land. Despite this threat, Vicki and her friends have gained some new pupils and are entered for a forth-coming gymkhana. The only cloud in Vicki’s life is that her own horse, Prince, has injured himself.
- Text story
- Vikki (text) – Judy: #315 (22 January 1966) – (?)
- Vikki (text) – Judy: #336 (18 June 1966) – #345 (20 August 1966)