Marty’s Fight with Nicola/Marty and the Missing Cats/ Marty and the Riding Lessons


A text story that follows the adventures of Marty Potts and her friend Sally Ann, each story had its own title. In Marty’s Fight with Nicola, Marty has a fight with her arch-enemy Nicola Denham in the local churchyard. The Reverend Wilkinson passes the matter to the girls Headmaster to deal with. In Marty and the Missing Cats, when cats go missing in the village where Marty stays, she and Sally-Ann, are determined to find out why. Suspicion rests on Ricky Bryant, who is in Marty’s class at school and has recently taken up taxidermy—stuffing animal skins. Marty is curious about a cupboard in Ricky’s shed…

marty and the missing cats


  • Text story


  • Marty’s Fight with Nicola (text) – Judy: circa #434 (04 May 1968) – (?)
  • Marty and the Missing Cats (text) – Judy:  #443 (06 July 1968) – #450 (24 August 1980)
  • Marty and the Riding Lessons (text) – Judy: (?) – #484 (19 April 1969)

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