Bad Penny (1976)


When her parents died, Penny Kenton went to live with her Aunt Sue and Uncle John, whose daughter, Angela, was the same age as Penny. But Penny soon discovered that   Angela was jealous of her, and was secretly trying to make trouble.

bad Penny1


  • Artist: Don Walker
  • A popular title for stories, there was a humour strip of the same name in Smash! as well as, two other Judy stories had the same name in the 80s; Bad Penny (1987)  and 90s; Bad Penny (1990)


  • Bad Penny – Judy:   #883 (11 December 1976) – #892 (12 February 1977)



2 thoughts on “Bad Penny (1976)

    1. But I’m sure they didn’t want to pass up an opportunity to use that turn of phrase, that’s probably why there were several different stories with the title “Bad Penny”

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