Sylvia Soames is trapped in a circus run by a cruel employer, Madame Minetti. She perfects a dangerous acrobatic act in the hope Madame Minetti will “sell” her to the circus run by the kindly Signor Costello. But then he dies and his circus is taken over by his nephew Guido. Guido is just as cruel as Madame Minetti, and now they are partners.
- Art: Dudley Pout
- Sawdust Star – Judy: #514 (15 November 1969) – #525 (31 January 1970)
- Reprinted – Judy: #1081 (27 September 1980) – #1091 (6 December 1980)
Artist is Dudley Pout.
This outing of ‘Sawdust Star’ DOES end in 1091. However, as that issue is near the bottom of a four foot high pile of issues of JUDY, and I would be running the risk of a broken leg if I were to attempt to access them, someone else will have to provide the date. Sorry!!
The date of #1091 would be 6 December 1980. Looks as if they cut one episode for the reprint.
Thanks to both of you.