When Molly Manders’ parents drowned, shock made her young sister, Katie, lose all memory of the accident. A couple named Hobson wanted to adopt Katie only, but the sisters ran away to a secret cave behind a waterfall. They were befriended by a wild boy, Colin, and later by a reporter, Bill Owen, who went to London to enquire about a locket Katie wore, which the Hobsons wanted. When Katie fell into the river, her memory began to return.
- Art: Eduardo Feito
- Reprinted and translated into Dutch as “Achter de waterval” (Behind the Waterfall) -Tina #40/1980-49/1980.
- Also reprinted and translated into Dutch as “De geheime plek” – Debbie #21 (1980).
A Secret Place – Judy: #905 (14 May 1977) – #914 (16 July 1977)
Translated into Dutch (as “Achter de waterval”) and published in Tina #40/1980-49/1980.
Translated into Dutch (again) as “De geheime plek” and published in Debbie #21 (1980).
Thanks for the information Ramon. How strange that it would be reprinted twice in the same year with different names!