Before the Summer Ends…


New girl Tina James has become unpopular at Spencer High because of her strange behaviour. The problem is that Tina can see into the future, but the visions do not work out  exactly as she interpreted. But one prediction that Tina is convinced is right is that she will die before the summer ends.



  • Art: Sean Phillips
  • Translated into Dutch as ‘Geen toekomst voor Suzan’ (No future for Suzan) in Tina in 1990.


  • Before the Summer Ends… – Judy: #1564 (30 Dec 1990)- #1570 (10 February 1990)



5 thoughts on “Before the Summer Ends…

  1. This story has some of the worst art I have ever seen in a girls comic.
    It was reprinted in the netherlands as ‘Geen toekomst voor Suzan’ (No future for Suzan) in Tina in 1990.

    1. Thank you for the information. It has now been added.

      “Destiny Brown” from Jinty is another story about a clairvoyant girl who keeps getting herself into trouble because she keeps misinterpreting her visions of the future.

      1. Would I be correct in assuming the story ended with Tina discovering she had got things wrong again? Another Tina James died, for example?

        1. Sean Phillips has certainly gone on to be a well regarded artist now.

          Her visions seem to get more accurate as time goes on. In the the last episode Tina dives into lake to save a boy, and helps free him from weeds but doesn’t return to surface, her new friend Lesley who has been trying to help her, has followed her and is able to get help so she is rescued as well, though it is a near thing! After she cheats death she no longer has visions.

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