When Fiona Miller’s family was put under a curse by gypsy Meg Fergus, Fiona secretly volunteered to wear the Ring of Fergus for a year and a day, thereby taking all the bad luck on herself. Fiona’s personality changed under the ring’s influence. She was already in trouble when the ring became entangled in her little sister’s hair and, in cutting it free, Fiona made matters worse.
- Art: Paddy Brennan
- Reprinted and translated to Dutch as “Fiona en de ring” – Debbie Groot mysterieboek #27 (1981).
Fiona and the Ring of Fergus – Judy: #1050 (23 Feb. 1980) – #1059 (26 April 1980)
Translated into Dutch as “Fiona en de ring” in Debbie Groot mysterieboek #27 (1981).