The adventures of a dog named Harvey. In the first story, A New Home for Harvey, after being abandoned, Harvey finds a new home with Pat and her family but then they have to move to an apartment complex that doesn’t allow pets. The family try and find a new home but Harvey is determined to stay with Pat.
In Here’s Harvey, Harvey is trying to help Pat find her sister, Sara, a boyfriend, though it is proving more difficult than they thought.
In A Holiday for Harvey, him and Pat go to work at Sandhill Holiday Camp and Lucy the owner’s grandchild gets quite attached to Harvey.
In Harvey’s Hotel – Harvey and his owner Pat are helping Pat’s sister, Sara, and her husband, Greg, at the hotel they run.
In Harvey – Go Home!, Harvey is dognapped, he escapes but needs to find his way home to Pat. He gets in many adventures on the way.
- A New Home for Harvey episodes #01-#02 reprinted and translated to Dutch as “Een plekje voor Wally” ( “A Place for Wally”) – Debbie super stripstory #20 (1987)
- A New Home for Harvey episodes #05-#06 reprinted and translated to Dutch as “Wally” – Debbie #30 (1982)
- Here’s Harvey, reprinted and translated to Dutch as ““Hier is Wally” – Debbie #24 (1981)
- Harvey’s Hotel, reprinted and translated to Dutch as “Wally in het hotel” – Debbie Dierenstripboek #36 (1983).
- A Holiday for Harvey, reprinted and translated to Dutch as “Wally op vakantie” – Debbie #31 (1981).
- A New Home for Harvey – Tracy: #01 (06 October 1979) – #13 (29 December 1979)
- Reprinted as It’s a Dog’s Life – Judy: #1618 (12 January 1991) – #1629 (30 March 1991)
- Here’s Harvey – Tracy: #55 (18 October 1980)- #66 (3 January 1981)
- A Holiday for Harvey – Tracy: #93 (11 July 1981) – #104 (26 September 1981)
- Harvey’s Hotel – Tracy: #151 (21 August 1982) – #161 (30 October 1982)
- Harvey – Go Home! – Tracy: #239 (28 April 1984) – #277 (19 January 1985)
- Harvey – Go Home! – Judy & Tracy: #1306 (19 January 1985) – (?)
Other Appearances:
- Harvey – Go Home! – Judy for Girls 1988
First two installments were translated into Dutch as “Een plekje voor Wally” ( “A Place for Wally”) and published in Debbie super stripstory #20 (1987).
“Harvey’s Hotel” is translated into Dutch as “Wally in het hotel” in Debbie Dierenstripboek #36 (1983).
The story “A Holiday for Harvey” was translated into Dutch as “Wally op vakantie” and published in Debbie #31 (1981).
With “first two installments”, I meant the first two weekly episodes, not the first two stories.
“Here’s Harvey” was translated into Dutch as “Hier is Wally” and published in Debbie #24 (1981).
Thanks I’ve corrected that now.
3 and 10 November 1979 were translated as “Wally” and published in Debbie #30 (1982).