Belinda Stewart is blind, but also a talented singer. Her managers are Gloria and Keith Foxton, who promise her she will make enough money to receive a cure from a famous American doctor. But in fact the Foxtons are out to pocket any money Belinda makes for themselves.
- Writer: Benita Brown
- Artist: Andrew Wilson
- Issue #438 had a 6-page double episode, which is split in the reprint between issues #1131 and #1132
- Reprinted and Translated into Dutch as “Linda steelt de show” (Linda Steals the Show – Tina #26-38/1989.
- Blind Belinda – Mandy: #428 (29 March 1975) – #444 (19 July 1975)
- Reprinted – Mandy: #1121 (Jul. 9 1988) – #1138 (05 November 1988)