In order to earn extra money, Suzanne and Sandy Miller advertise themselves as slave girls (complete with Roman costume) who work for a small payment. Each job always seems to give the girls some additional problem to solve.
- The first 2 episodes (#295 & #296) the tile was just Slave Girls, from #297 “The” was added to start of the title.
- The Slave Girls – Mandy: #295 (9 September 1972) – #302 ( 28 October 1972)
- The Slave Girls – Mandy: #419 (25 January 1975) – #427 (22 March 1975)
- The Slave Girls – Mandy: #437 (31 May 1975) – #438 (7 June 1975)
- The Slave Girls – Mandy: #707 (02 August 1980) – #708 (09 August 1980)
- The Slave Girls – Mandy: #714 (20 September 1975)
Other Appearances:
- The Slave Girls – Mandy annual 1974
- The Slave Girls – Mandy annual 1976
- The Slave Girls – Mandy annual 1977
This was much more innocuous than expected.
The second “The Slave Girls” begins in Mandy #419 (January 25, 1975) instead of #420.
The first series of ‘Slave Girls’ ran in MANDY 295 (9 September 1972) – 302 ( 28 October 1972).
Please note that from issue 297 onwards the title was changed to ‘The Slave Girls’.
There is also a complete “The Slave Girls” in Mandy #448 (August 16, 1975).