A trilogy of serials starring Tammy Thumbe. Her next door neighbour Bobby Brown is into chemistry, but Bobby’s formulas have strange effects on Tammy. In her first story, Tiny Tammy, Tammy shrinks whenever she gets wet. In her second story, Where’s Tammy?, Tammy becomes invisible. In her third story, Be Your Age, Tammy!, Tammy behaves either too young or too old for her age.
- Artist: Andrew Wilson
- Tiny Tammy – Mandy: #1150 (28 January 1989) – #1164 (6 May 1989)
- Where’s Tammy? – Mandy: #1165 (13 May 1989) – #1176 (29 July 1989)
- Be Your Age, Tammy! Mandy #1229 (4 August 1990)- #1238 (6 October 1990)
Other Appearances:
- “Where’s Tammy” – Mandy Annual 1991
Tiny Tammy 1150 (Jan. 28 1989) – 1164 (May 6 1989)
Where’s Tammy? 1165 (May 13 1989) – 1176 (July 29 1989)
Be Your Age, Tammy! 1229 (Aug. 4 1990) – 1238 (Oct. 6 1990)