Sheila Hawkins and Jean Marsh helped in an antique shop called The Shop at Shudder Corner, run by Jean’s uncle. When Sheila replaced a broken lens in her torch with a mysterious piece of glass, she found that when she shone it on certain antique curios, she and Jean were transported back in time . . .
- Art: Norman Lee
- Art: David Matysiak (Debbie Annuals 1981-1984)
- The Shop at Shudder Corner – Spellbound: #14 (25 Dec. 1976) – #21 (12 Feb. 1977)
- The Shop at Shudder Corner – Spellbound: #32 (30 April 1977) – #39 (18 June 1977)
- The Shop at Shudder Corner – Spellbound: #53 (24 September 1977)
- The Shop at Shudder Corner – Debbie: #372 (29 March 1980) – #374 (12 April 1980)
Other Appearances:
- The Shop at Shudder Corner – Debbie Annual 1981
- The Shop at Shudder Corner – Debbie Annual 1982
- The Shop at Shudder Corner – Debbie Annual 1983
- The Shop at Shudder Corner – Debbie Annual 1984
- The Shop at Shudder Corner – Debbie Picture Story Library #64
- The Shop at Shudder Corner – Debbie Picture Story Library #136
The second series of The Shop At Shudder Corner started in Spellbound 32 (Apr. 30 1977).
The series with the same title runs in Debbie 372 (Mar. 29 1980) – 374 (Apr. 12 1980).
Surprised that it only lasted a few issues in Debbie.