Roslyn Grant is taken in by Gerda Grayson, a (so-called) friend of her mother’s while her mother is away. Grayson abuses Rosyln into becoming a model and holds her prisoner by removing her glasses so Roslyn can’t see properly, and takes her out of school. When Roslyn tries to run away, she is caught, and the label of runaway gives Grayson even more blackmail power over Roslyn. Eventually Roslyn learns that Grayson’s cruelty is due to a long-standing jealousy she has held against her mother ever since their school days, and Grayson has a long record of bullying.
- Artist: Rodney Sutton
- Writer: Marion Turner (under pen-name: Fiona Turner)
- I Don’t Want to Be a Model! – Tracy: #235 (31 March 1984) – #243 (26 May 1984)