Nancy Nixon saves her skating rival, Rona Ashton, from drowning. However, when Nancy loses her memory of the rescue, Rona takes advantage by claiming she had rescued Nancy, and gets her banned from the local ice rink. At the frozen pond at Manor House, a girl named Marion promises to coach Nancy for the upcoming Silver Blades championship, but Nancy soon finds there is a real mystery about Marion. Sabotage strikes as well, and Nancy suspects Rona.
- Artist: George Martin
- Reprinted and translated to Dutch as “Zilveren schaatsen” – Debbie Sportstripboek #33 (1983).
- The Silver Blades – Debbie: #262 (18 February 1978) – #271 (22 April 1978)
The Silver Blades runs in DEBBIE 262 (February 18 1978) – 271 (April 22 1978).
Thanks Derek, for the recent information on this and other stories.
Translated into Dutch as “Zilveren schaatsen” in Debbie Sportstripboek #33 (1983).