After the discovery that Fiona Sharp and Jane Langton had been brought up by each other’s parents, following a mix up in the hospital on the day they were born. It was decided that the girls should change places and live with their biological parents. Neither girl was happy with the arrangement.
- Writer: Maureen Hartley
- Reprinted and translated into Dutch as “Vreemde eend in de bijt” (“Odd Duck”) – Peggy #4/1983.
- Cuckoos in the Nest – Tracy: #120 (16 January 1982) – #134 (24 April 1982)
- Reprinted – Judy: #1503 (29 October 1988) – #1517 (4 February 1988)
Translated into Dutch as “Vreemde eend in de bijt” (“Odd Duck”) and published in Peggy #4/1983.