Paula Lacey and her twin brother and sister, Peter and Penny, were orphans. Along with their grandfather, they were travelling to Willowdene in a giant-sized boot which they had converted into a home with wheels. Mr Lacey was a skilled cobbler, and intended to go into partnership with his brother when they reached Willowdene.
- Art: “B. Jackson”
- The Boot Laceys – Mandy: #294 (2 September 1972) – #299 (7 October 1972)
Other Appearances:
- The Boot Laceys – Mandy Annual 1974
Can i request few thing, do Bunty Clown don’t cry and even clown cry, and also Carole The Clown Maker.
Carole the Clown Maker? I have acquired a copy. I could do an entry on it at some point.
Carole the Clownmaker is now up.