Tag Archives: birds

The Secret Spring


Josie and Emma Redford had travelled to Tibet with their father on the track of a mysterious flock of birds that had attacked people near their home in England — birds thought to have been extinct for three million  years. In Tibet they befriended Lo-Ching, a Tibetan boy educated in England. He had travelled with them on their journey to the mountain city of Ganzing.



  • The Secret Spring – Judy: #1434 (4 July 1987) – #1442 (29 August 1987)

Revenge on Wings


Rita and her friend Carly were keen bird watchers. Rita had discovered a pair of rare orioles nesting on the moor and had told Carly about them. A nest raider had also found out and was after their eggs. Rita, Carly and a friendly jackdaw were out to stop him


  • Art: Andy Tew


  • Revenge on Wings – Suzy: #71 (14 January 1984) – #73 (28 January 1984)

The Flight of the Bird Girl


In 1645, during the English Civil War, thirteen year old Beth Verney was separated from ‘her parents, Sir Francis and Lady Verney, during a Roundhead attack on their home. “Roundheads” was the nickname given to the followers of Oliver Cromwell, the leader of the enemies of the King. Beth was befriended by old  Mother Shapton who possessed a strange power over birds, which she passed on to Beth before she was accidentally killed. Beth learned that her parents were at Skipton Castle, and with Sparky, Mother Shapton’s tame raven, she set out to find them.



  • The Flight of the Bird Girl – Mandy: #361 (15 December 1973) – #370 (16 February 1974)

Pippa’s Pigeons


During the First World War, a farmhouse in France owned by Pippa Bouchard’s father is being used as the headquarters of a British unit. Pippa’s pigeons are carrying messages from the front lines to the farmhouse. Then a pilot of the Royal Army Flying Corps is allocated to the H.Q. to do scouting flights in his single-seater aircraft.

pippa's pigeons



  • Pippa’s Pigeons – Judy:  #360 (03 December 1966) – #365 (07 January 1966)


Jet’s Incredible Journey


Jet is a racing pigeon that was adopted by a girl, Cathy, after her uncle discarded him as useless. Jet is injured on a flight and the Cath sets out looking for him, as he also tries to make his way home.



  • Artist: Paddy Brennan
  • Unconfirmed, reprinted and translated to Dutch as “Op zoek naar Jet” – Peggy #4/1988


  • Jet’s Incredible Journey–  Suzy: #201 (12 July 1986) – #206 (16 August 1986)


The Pride of Pamela


As Keeper of Pomeroy the Peacock, schoolgirl Pam Lowe was under the Ancient Spell of Peacocks, which subjected her to awful bursts of pride, when Pomeroy opened his tail! The spell could only be broken by a rich person of high birth buying the peacock!



  • The Pride of Pamela – Mandy: #689 (29 March 1980) – #698 (31 May 1980)