Tag Archives: mystical

The Golden Queen


Patsy and Kathleen Brown, seeking a  fabulous treasure in a sacred lake in the Andes Mountains, were helped by the spirit of the Aztec Queen, Acora. Having managed to escape from a ruthless gang, also after the treasure, Kathleen returned to the camp to find it wrecked and her sister gone.

golden queen



  • The Golden Queen – Judy:  #970 (12 August 1978) –  #979 (14 October 1978)

Bethea and the Brahan Seer


In the 17th. Century, the days when Chieftains ruled the clans in the Scottish Highlands, young Bethea is forced to flee from her home when her aunt tries to poison her. Accompanied by Kenneth Odhar, a seer, she seeks employment at Castle Brahan, the home of the Earl of Seaforth and his proud wife.

bethea the seer



  • Bethea and the Brahan Seer – Judy:  #372 (25 February 1967) – #380 (22 April 1967)