Tag Archives: powers

Ella and the Electrids


Ella Gibson, a pupil at Cragmere Grange, was struck by lightning  on the moors. She was unhurt, but on her right wrist was the print of a horseshoe from a chain bracelet given to her by Josh Jessop. He was the village blacksmith, who said it would protect her from evil.  During another storm, a weird whirling shape formed out of the rain and entered the school’s sick room, but when Ella thrust out the horseshoe, the thing disintegrated. Later, Ella found she attracted metal object – like a human magnet. The swirling shapes that Ella named the Electrids, took control of several people at her school



  • Ella and the Electrids – Mandy: #551 (6August 1977) – #556 (10 September 1977)

Away Went Wendy


Ann Adams, captain of junior hockey at Highcroft Comprehensive School, had made friends with an unusual new girl; Wendy Layne. Wendy played hockey in startling bursts of energy that made her unstoppable! The energy came on when Wendy combed her long hair.


  • Art: “B Jackson”


  • Away Went Wendy – Mandy: #160 (7 February 1970) – #174 (16 May 1970)

The Lillies of Arkon


Thirteen year old Sharon Jackson was trying to carry out a very strange task. She had to find a dozen lily bulbs from the planet Arkon which had accidentally become rooted on Earth. The juice from the plants gave superhuman powers to anyone who tasted it, so Sharon had to stop the plants falling into the wrong hands.


  • Artist: Guy Peeters


  • The Lillies of Arkon  – Mandy: #371 (23 February 1974) – #380 (27 April 1974)

The Gifts of Gala


Kathy Donovan had been told by Gala, who came from the planet Orphides, that she had been chosen to receive Gala’s super powers, as Gala only had one year to live. Kathy had agreed to receive the, powers, but she had to keep it a secret.  Kathy’s twin brother, Alan wanted to find out what was going on.



  • Artist: Claude Berridge


  • The Gifts of Gala – Nikki: #146 (5 December 1987) – #162 (26 March 1988)

It’s No Secret!


When Sandra Paul  joined Foley Towers, the other pupils resented the special treatment she received — not knowing that Sandra had just recovered from a serious illness. Therefore, they kept secrets from Sandra a fact which hurt her, until she was granted a wish which enabled her to read the other girls’ minds.




  • It’s No Secret! – Nikki: #76 (2 August 1986) – #86 (11 October 1986)