When Laurie Latimer opens a ballet school, she discovers a young gipsy girl, Tanya, running wild in the wilderness of the grounds. Because of her talent for dancing, Tanya is invited to join the ballet school. Then one of the girls, Charlotte Benson, finds a locket of Tanya’s and discovers photographs inside, one of Tanya as a baby and finds out she may be her lost cousin.
- The Taming of Tanya – Diana #56 (14 March 1964) – #67 (30 May 1964)
- Reprinted as Tanya – Spellbound: #33 (07 May 1977) – #44 (23 July 1977)
This is a reprint from Diana. It’s original title is “The Taming of Tanya” and it starts in Diana #56 (14th March, 1964). I don’t have the ending but it should end in issue #67.
Thanks for the information Ronnie, that makes it at least 5 Diana stories that were reprinted in Spellbound.
Also another reprint where the title was shortened to just the protagonist name in Spellbound (Paula, Marina, Tanya)
I can confirm that ‘The Taming Of Tanya’ did end in issue 67 of DIANA. It was replaced in 68 by ‘The Spells Of Pauline’.