Tag Archives: hobby

Sally Cook and her Sign-Here Book


Sally Cook’s hobby is collecting autographs and she goes to great lengths to get them. She also finds herself in some unusual circumstances such as helping to recover stolen jewels and having to pose as a concert pianist.

sally cook sign here book


  • Text Story


  • Sally Cook and her Sign-Here Book  – Judy:  #31 (13 August 1960) – #46 (26 November 1960)


Stitch-in-Time Susan


Susan Steele was a brilliant schoolgirl athlete and a member of her senior county team. But Susan’s real love was embroidery and she was secretly helping her grandmother make a special tapestry to mark the 500th anniversary of their town, Hillbury.

stitch in time susan



  • Stitch-in-Time Susan – Mandy: circa #107 (1 February 1969) – (?)
  • Reprinted – Mandy: #763(29 August 1981) – #778 (12 December 1981)