Tag Archives: problem children

Janet on Wheels


Janet Taylor had a knack for handling difficult girls, and  any school needing assistance with a problem pupil could send for her. Miss Warner, headmistress of Starrcroft Comprehensive School for Girls, had asked for help with twelve-year-old Melanie Martin.

janet on wheels



  • Janet on Wheels – Judy:  #887 (08 January 1977) – #892 (19 February 1977)
  • Janet on Wheels – Judy:  #916 (30 July 1977) – #922 (10 September 1977)

Other Appearances:

  • Janet on Wheels – Judy for Girls 1978 (annual)

Hearts to Mend


Young Meg Roberts of Merrybrooke Farm took a great interest in helping with the problem children from a nearby home. One of her visitors is 10- year-old Tommy Spurrier, who has been told so often that he is clumsy that now he has lost all confidence in himself and stammers badly.

The story reappeared in the 80s with a different artist and the girl was now called Chris Bowen but she still helped children from Marley Grange children’s home.

hearts to mend(Hearts to Mend, 1966)


hearts to mend_2(Hearts to Mend, 1983)



  • Hearts to Mend – Judy:  #322 (12 March 1966) – #331 (14 May 1966)
  • Hearts to Mend – Judy: #1219 (21 May 1983) – #1232 (20 August 1983)
    • Reprinted – Judy: #1590 (30 June 1990) – #1603 (29 September 1990)

Other Appearances:

  • Hearts to Mend – Judy for Girls 1983 (annual)

Molly and her Millettes


Molly Miller is a newly qualified teacher who starts at Millington School. She is given Grade IVB to teach, who are described as a lazy and unruly lot, but she gains their interest by setting up a majorette group. She gets no support from the other staff, who have written IVB off as no good.




  • Molly and her Millettes–  Emma: #44 (23 December 1978) – #55 (10 March 1979)