Tag Archives: second sight

The Amazing Penny


Penny Lane, had the gift of second sight and was being used by  her travelling show foster parents, the Hermanos, in their mind reading act. Penny had escaped from her nasty foster parents and was searching for a mysterious woman who appeared to her in a dream. But Ida and Harry Hermanos were on her trail as well.


  • Art: Oliver Passingham


  • The Amazing Penny – Judy: #1615 (22 December 1990) – #1626 (9 March 1991)

Golden Eyes


Madame Danelli was a greedy woman who trained children to sing and dance for money, so when she discovered that her newest recruit could see into the future, she saw a way to, make her fortune. Tara was a homeless orphan whose eyes glowed with a golden light when she used her gift, and because of this, she had been named Golden Eyes.



  • Artist: Dudley Wynne


  • Golden Eyes – Nikki: #100(17 January 1987) – #111 (4 April 1987)