In Nazi Germany, during the Second World War, two Dutch youngsters Greta Mappel and Piet Tilburg were trying to get home to Holland. They had an unusual companion, an old circus lion called Marmaduke.
- Art: Juan Alonso
- A Lion Called Marmaduke – Debbie: #173 (5 June 1976) – #182 (7 August 1976)
I am the artist of this series, which I drew when I was young, it has been a long time and now I am happy to have found it on the internet. Thank you.
I’m glad to be able to help and to credit you. Did you draw for any other British comics?
Sí pero no recuerdo los títulos. Participé en una sección que se llamaba “Letters to Leslie”. También recuerdo haber dibujado, sustituyendo a José Ortiz, dos series de época, creo que las dos tenían como protagonista a alguna marquesa joven y unos cuadernillos de colegialas jóvenes.
Yes but I don’t remember the titles. I participated in a section called “Letters to Leslie”. I also remember having drawn, replacing José Ortiz, two period series, I think both had as protagonist some young marquise and some booklets of young schoolgirls.
Sí, estoy intentando buscar algunos de mis trabajos pero no los encuentro. Que yo recuerde, dibujé no recuerdo si en Valentine o Mirabelle -aunque podría ser en otra editorial- entre otras cosas, en un apartado que se llamaba “Letters to Leslie”, pero tambien muchas otras historias en formato de magazine y otras en aquellos cuadernillos pequeños de una o dos, o tres, viñetas por página. También continué un par de series de época de Cromwell, que había iniciado José Ortiz, cuando éste dejó el mercado británico, para irse al americano. También he dibujado intermitentemente y con posterioridad alguno de esos cuadernillos pequeños para escolares.
“Yes, I’m trying to look for some of my works but I can’t find them. As far as I remember, I drew I don’t remember if in Valentine or Mirabelle -although it could be in another publishing house- among other things, in a section called “Letters to Leslie”, but also many other stories in magazine format and others in those small booklets of one or two, or three, panels per page. I also continued a couple of Cromwell’s period series, which José Ortiz had started, when he left the British market, to go to the American market. I have also drawn intermittently and later some of those small booklets for schoolchildren.”
Interesting, if you are looking for some of your work, John Freeman over at may be able to help point you in the right direction.