Sparrow and her Songs


In the 1880s, many of the poorest people in Paris, lived in a a shanty town near Montmartre, until one dreadful day when the wooden shanties burned down. Then the folk had to struggle to earn food and shelter. Some were mere children, like Sparrow and her crippled brother, Marcel. Her only hope to was to make money with her music, but it was not going to be easy for her.


  • Art: Ken Houghton
  • Reprinted and translated to Dutch as “Spriet zingt haar lied” – Debbie #10 (1983) and reprinted again in Debbie super stripstory #18 (1987)


  • Sparrow and her Songs  Tracy: #179 (5 March 1983) – #189 (14 May 1983)

6 thoughts on “Sparrow and her Songs

    1. The first publication in the Netherlands was in Debbie 10 of 1983.
      Super Stripstory always contained four editions of Debbie (with the covers removed) that were published several years before.

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