Picture Stories
- Life with Bunty (Page 2) [Art: Doris Kinnear]
- Sister Suzie (Pages: 3-5) [Art: Rodney Sutton]
- Little Miss Lonely (Pages: 6-7, 9) [Art: Douglas Perry]
- The Four Marys (Pages: 10-11, 13) [Art: Andy Tew]
- Bella of Bonnybanks School (Pages: 14-16) [Art: Matias Alonso]
- The Tell-Tale Toy – a Tale from the Toy Museum (Pages: 26-27, 29) [Art: David Matysiak]
- School’s Out (Pages: 30-31, 33) [Art: Terry Aspin]
- Toots (Page 35) [Art: Bill Ritchie]
Photo Stories
- My Cousin Sarah (Pages: 22-23, 25)
- All Their Own Work (Page 8)
- Learn Tinkerbell’s Secrets (Page 12)
- Holiday Horoscope (Page 16)
- Paula’s Pop Quiz (Page 17)
- Hunks ‘n’ Heart Throbs (Pop Photos) (Pages: 18-19)
- Fox Hunting (Page 20)
- On with the Dance (Page 21)
- Postman’s Pets! (Page 24)
- Design-a-Fashion (Page 28)
- Pick a Letter (Page 32)
- The Garden Gnome (Poem) (Page 34)
- George Michael Poster (Page 36)
*Thanks to Goof for the information and cover picture