Tina Trotter, a brilliant natural runner, was being trained by athletics coach Madge Keen, who also made Tina a guest at the exclusive Seadune Athletics Club. Tina had learned her running on her daily milk-round, and her main concern in life was Baldy, the horse who had pulled the milk-cart. The Club officials soon realised that they had a star runner in Tina and, to humour her, had agreed to stabling Baldy in the Club grounds.
- Artist: Oliver Passingham
- The story is influenced by the 1956 text story “The Flying Milkman” in Adventure
- The Flying Milkmaid – Judy: #632 (19 February 1972) – #643 (6 May 1972)
- Reprinted – Judy: #1073 (02 August 1980) – #1084 (18 October 1980)