Tag Archives: running

The Flying Milkmaid


Tina Trotter, a brilliant natural runner, was being trained by athletics coach Madge Keen, who also made Tina a guest at the exclusive Seadune Athletics Club. Tina had learned her running on her daily milk-round,  and her main concern in life was Baldy, the horse who had pulled the milk-cart. The Club officials soon realised that they had a star runner in Tina and, to humour her, had agreed to stabling Baldy in the Club grounds.

flying milkmaid


  • Artist: Oliver Passingham
  • The story is influenced by the 1956  text story “The Flying Milkman” in Adventure


  • The Flying Milkmaid – Judy: #632 (19 February 1972) –  #643 (6 May 1972)
  • Reprinted – Judy:  #1073 (02  August  1980) – #1084 (18 October 1980)

Jenna on the Run


Jenna, a young gipsy girl, lived in the grounds belonging to the Duchess of Wexland with her old horse, Noah. In return, she tended the Duchess’s gardens. Jenna loved running and had just discovered that she could run faster than any other girl at Bradton Athletic Club—but she deliberately slowed down so that she would finish the race in third place! She did this because she wanted the third place prize of a tree, to give to the Duchess. Unfortunately through misunderstanding the Duchess now believes she was wrong about Jenna’s running potential.



  • Jenna on the Run – Mandy: #164 (7 March 1970) – #186 (8 August 1970)
  • Reprinted – Mandy: #534 (9 April 1977) – #556 (10 September 1977)
  • Reprinted  as Gipsy Jenna on the Run – Lucky Charm #13 (1981)