Picture Stories
- Mandy (Pages: 2-3, 96, 126-127) [Art: Peter Kay]
- With Love from Lindy (Pages: 6-16) [Art: Dudley Wynne]
- Caesar and Cleo (Pages: 17-23) [Art: Claude Berridge]
- Little Miss No-Name [4 parts] (Pages: 24-28, 52-58, 74-80, 108-112)
- Carol’s Cauldron (Pages: 33-36)
- The Ghost of Sunday Manor (Pages: 37-42) [Art: “B Jackson”]
- Carrie Chase – Girl Reporter (Pages: 43-48) [Art: Bernard Greenbaum?]
- Late Kate (Pages: 49)
- Elsie’s Elephant (Pages: 65-69)
- Melinda – You’re A Marvel (Pages: 81-87) [Art: Tom Hurst]
- Terry and her Trike (Pages: 88-91) [Art: Guy Peeters]
- Mona’s Monkey (Pages: 92-95)
- Tessa Pulls Her Weight (Pages: 97-102) [Art: Tony Higham]
- The Singing Hinneys (Pages: 113-117) [Art: Richard Neillands]
- Mighty Minnie (Pages: 118-125) [Art: Leslie Branton]
Text Stories
- Lost Property (Pages: 29-32) [Art: George Martin]
- Pirates Ahoy! (Pages: 50-51)
- The Cave of Zuma (Pages: 59-64)
- Beagle for Sale (Pages: 70-73)
- The Girl with the Smile (Pages: 103-107)
* Thanks to Kaylana for information and cover picture
Some artist names:
Mandy (Pages: 2-3, 96, 126-127) [Art: Peter Kay]
With Love from Lindy (Pages: 6-16) [Art: Dudley Wynne]
Caesar and Cleo (Pages: 17-23) [Art: Claude Berridge]
The Ghost of Sunday Manor (Pages: 37-42) [Art: “B Jackson”]
Carrie Chase – Girl Reporter (Pages: 43-48) [Art: Bernard Greenbaum?]
Melinda – You’re A Marvel (Pages: 81-87) [Art: Tom Hurst]
Terry and her Trike (Pages: 88-91) [Art: Guy Peeters]
Tessa Pulls Her Weight (Pages: 97-102) [Art: Tony Higham]
The Singing Hinneys (Pages: 113-117) [Art: Richard Neillands]
Mighty Minnie (Pages: 118-125) [Art: Leslie Branton]
Text Stories
Lost Property (Pages: 29-32) [Art: George Martin]