Tag Archives: mythical creature

In Quest of the Unicorn


Young Carol Cansdale is accompanying her uncle, Professor James Cansdale, on an expedition into the unexplored wilds of Brazil to find a unicorn. Professor Cansdale is certain-that the unicorn is not merely a creature of fable but lives in the dense jungle. When Carol’s pet monkey, Bobo, goes into the jungle, she searches for him and stumbles on a glade filled with “flowers of sleep”, plants-that give off a scent that makes people drowsy. Carol falls unconscious in the jungle—just after seeing a unicorn’s head. When she recovers and returns to the expedition’s boat, and finds that the party have been taken captive.



  • In Quest of the Unicorn – Judy: #255 (28 November 1964) – #262 (16 January 1965)

Georgie and Griff


Georgie Mair had come to Camelot to attend Camelot Ladies’ College and stay with Professor Hyslop, her uncle. Georgie had brought with her, Griff,  her pet griffin—a mystical creature, half eagle, half lion. Griff had one other strange quality—he was invisible!


  • Art: Matias Alonso


  • Georgie and Griff – Bunty: #1030 (8 October 1977) – #1045 (21 January 1978)

Other Appearances:

  • Georgie and Griff – Bunty Summer Special 1978
  • Georgie and Griff – Bunty Annual 1979
  • Georgie and Griff – Bunty Annual 1981