Tag Archives: Rivalry

Poor Penny


Julia Hardy went to college and  wanted to leave her pony, Penny, with someone. Two girls were keen to take her,  Marion and Donna were taking turns looking after her. Sally Slater, who loved Penny was keeping an eye on Penny as she was not happy with the arrangement.

poor penny


  • Art: Carlos Freixas


  • Poor Penny – Bunty: #1678 (10 March 1990) – #1686 (5 May 1990)

Pryde of the Blues


As captain of Blue House at St. Angela’s, Jill Pryde was following in the footsteps of her late mother, who had also won a scholarship to the school. Blue House had not won the House Cup since Jill’s mother had been captain over twenty years ago. Jill was determined to lead the Blues to victory, despite the scheming of Selma Parker, a member of Green House, who was equally determined her house should win by fair means or foul.

pryde of the blues



  • Pryde of The Blues –  Judy:  #1131 (12 September 1981) – #1141 (21 November 1981)

A New Life for Sue


Sue Talbot has always lived in a town until her widowed mother marries John Felton, the warden of a nature reserve. Sue takes to the reserve. But she and her stepsister Alison hate each other and each is constantly causing trouble for the other.



  • Artist: Bert Hill
  • Reprinted and translated into Dutch as “Gea moet verhuizen” (“Gea Has to Move House”) – Debbie (Holco Publications, 1976 series) #31 (1981).


  • A New Life for Sue – Judy:  #1064  (31 May 1980) – #1075 (16 August 1980)


Stage School


Two vacancies are going at The Madame Celeste Stage School. Nicky Carr wins one place. But the other place goes to Gavin Mellor, an arrogant boy Nicky crossed during the auditions. And so the stage is set for feuding between Nicky and Gavin.

It gets even worse when Gavin and Nicky are both chosen to star in a new TV soap. They have to pretend they are friends on screen, but their hatred keeps erupting into constant fighting. Eventually, the producers write their antagonism into the show.

Stage school


  • Artist: Juliana Buch


  • Stage School – M&J: #152 (9 April 1994) – #160 (4 June 1994)
  • Stage School – M&J: #207 (29 April 1995) – #216 (01 July 1995)
  • Stage School – M&J: #239 (09 December 1995) – #241(23 December 1995)

Other Appearances:

  • Stage School – Mandy Annual 1995
  • Stage School – Mandy Annual 1997


Sarah and Jane Little Ladies at War


Sarah Lane and Jane Wood had been given the parts of sisters in a weekly TV period drama, as grandchildren of the Earl of Dunlea. Unfortunately  while they played loving sisters in front of the camera, in real life the girls had taken a bitter dislike to each other.

sarah and jane


  • Art:  Andy Tew
  • Translated into Dutch: Debbie Parade Album #26


  • Sarah and Jane Little Ladies at War–  Bunty: #1292 (16 October 1982) – #1310 (19 February 1983)
  • Sarah and Jane Little Ladies at War – Bunty: #1377 (2 June 1984) – #1396 (13 October 1984)

Other Appearances:

  • Sarah and Jane Little Ladies at War  – Bunty Annual 1985


Penny’s Prize Pony


Penny Marsden entered a competition to win a pony, and a second entry in her sister, Cathy’s name, to double her chances of winning. When “Cathy’s” entry won, she claimed the pony as her own. Penny was shattered but had to make the best of things when her father insisted that the girls share the pony.





  • Penny’s Prize Pony – Nikki: #138 (10 October 1987) – #147 (12 December 1987)

Partners Impossible


Patsy and Paula Bell were cousins who  were always quarreling. When they were given a horse, Sunny, to share, they quarreled more than ever. The answer seemed to have been found when they acquired a trap and harness, which enabled them to enter for Ride and Drive Contests, because Paula liked driving and Patsy jumping.



  • Partners Impossible – Mandy: #439 (14 June 1975) – #448 (16 August 1975)