Stella Martin is living with her Aunt Cynthia, an unscrupulous theatre agent, while her mother is ill and her father works away from home. Stella is a talented actress and wants to go into the theatre. But Aunt Cynthia forces her into starring in TV commercials as a child actress. To this end Aunt Cynthia forces Stella into a childish appearance, deliberately underfeeds her to stunt her growth, keeps her away from school, and Stella has to do housework as well.
- Artist: Kim Raymond
- Reprinted and translated to Dutch as “Haar naam in neon” (“Her Name in Neon”) – Mariska Starstrip #1 (circa 1983)
- Her Name in Lights – Mandy: #712 (06 September 1980) – #721 (08 November 1980)
The plot is similar to “Little Amy” from Tracy/Judy, right down to the aunt underfeeding the girl to maintain her underage appearance. Maybe it was the same writer?
Translated into Dutch as “Haar naam in neon” (“Her Name in Neon”) and published in Mariska Starstrip #1 (circa 1983).